Saturday, May 12, 2007

Strange twist of feline fate

The recent poisoning of many American cats through tainted pet food has been tracked back to melamine-laced wheat products imported from China. Today, I read a story on Yahoo News about a cat which survived for over a month on a container ship from China, against all odds, without food and water. It was discovered by a dock worker in North Carolina. Once the cat has been vaccinated and has endured its requisite six month quarantine period, it will be called China and adopted by a co-worker of the discoverer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read that too, and frankly, am v. skeptical than ANY mammal could have survived 30 days without food, let alone without water.

I suspect that there has been mis-reporting, hyperbole, or omission in this story (much as I suspected years ago when the John Bobbitt story broke here).