Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ready to try again

I had a meeting with my college adviser last night. I wanted to make sure I had the right course plan in place going forward so I could graduate from this program in the next two years. Things look pretty good.

I dropped the class I was going to take this semester due to stressful work commitments. However, I need to get back on the horse. So, tonight I registered for Legal Issues in Business and Management. Classes start April 5th.

I think I'm ready to get back to it. Work is still stressful, but we cutover the new system on 3/22. So, by 4/5 most of the dust should be settled.

Oddly enough, I even talked to my adviser about potentially teaching some courses at the school. Apparently, you just need a Masters to teach in NH. I think I could teach an online class. I've been kind of thinking about teaching for a while. UNH has a continuing education certificate program called "Train the Trainer". I hope to talk to my boss about this. He and I have talked about me doing more presentation and seminar type stuff, so this would fit in with that. I want to design an Internet Security Awareness program for our organization.

Life is never boring.

1 comment:

barbie2be said...

good for you! getting back up on the horse is the hardest part.

me? i am loving my class. or at least i was until i read the syllabus again and realized that i have to write a 500 word paper on green hotels that's due on MONDAY.

i haven't written a paper for school in 26 years. i don't think i even know how to format it. YIKES!