Saturday, June 13, 2009

Grendel is getting better at the SATs

Just got Grendel's SAT scores from May:

CRITICAL READING: 460 VS 260 last time
MATH: 660 VS 520 last time
WRITING: 450 VS 310 last time

Overall score: 1570 vs 1090 (out of a possible 2400 - only attainable by super non-lazy geniuses)

That's not bad for the end of his sophomore year, in my book. He plans to actually study before he takes the test again in the fall.

In the Stone Ages, when I took the test, they didn't have a writing test. His math score is already pretty close to my best effort. He still has a bit to go on the reading/writing score to catch up with me. However, considering his age, I'm certain his scores will surpass mine before he applies to college.

His current schools of interest are:


He may be pulling straight A's this year (he's on the edge with Algebra 2). He also just got elected to his FIRST Team's Team Council!!! So I'm sure he can get into UNH, and probably WPI. MIT may be a stretch, but it would be free tuition if he could manage it (since I work for them).

I wonder if that list will change in the next 18 months.


RaineS said...

Nice job, Grendel!

Summer said...

Hooray for Grendel! You must be very proud of him.