Monday, January 12, 2009

Winter and summer collide!

From the Nashua Telegraph

Snow plow crashes into tanning salon

GOFFSTOWN (AP) – Winter and summer collided when a plow truck crashed into a tanning salon in Goffstown.

The truck smashed into the businesses Saturday after another truck rear-ended it. The collision sent glass flying and caused structural damage to the building, but the two people in the shop were unhurt.

The shop recently reopened under new management, and owners say they plan to get everything fixed in time for their planned grand opening celebration early next month.


Summer said...

I read about more bad weather for New Hampshirites (what do you call someone from NH?)and the big pile up on the road. Winter really sucks this year. Stay warm and out of tanning salons.

Kitten Herder said...

Yeah, Sunday's pile up on I-93 was pretty stupendous. Everyone was lucky that no one was killed. The story about the idiot getting out of his car and then having to jump the guard rail to avoid being hit astounded me. Don't you think it would be safer to stay in your car then to stand in the open on an icey highway?