Friday, July 20, 2007

From the files of "Be Careful of What You Wish For"

Ever since last week's run in with the psycho boss, I have been contemplating taking a mental health day. I had myself talked into it several nights. Then, I would wake up the next morning and decide that I really had too much to do to stay home and that I really should only stay home when I felt truly miserable.

Well, apparently, the Mental Health Fairies (um... Goblins?) were listening. This morning I woke up with a raging headache, plus my left hip was in truly excruciating pain. The message that I left for my boss probably sounded pained and confused, a fair reflection of my state of mind this morning.

After driving my son to his camp, I discovered that he had left his lunch on the kitchen counter. I briefly entertained the notion of driving it over there. Then I thought better of it, and went back to bed. He used someone's cell phone to call me at eleven, to beg for his lunch. I was a bit better at the time, so I dressed for the gym and took him his lunch. The workout was nice. The soak in the hot tub was nicer. About twenty minutes after getting back home, the headache came back with a vengeance.

So, my so-called Mental Health Day has turned into a true day of discomfort. Hopefully, I'll bounce back overnight so I can at least enjoy my Saturday ... and my anticipated delivery, by the U.S.P.S., of my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Side note: We watched an episode of Doctor Who this evening which made mention of the Harry Potter books. The Doctor even jokingly mentioned the final book, "Wait till you read book seven!" Especially cool since the episode was produced about a year ago in the U.K.

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