Thursday, July 05, 2007

It's not just me

My teenage son is spending a couple of weeks with his aunt's family and his paternal grandparents. This is our arrangement every summer for at least a few weeks. As his parents, we simply ask that he call us each evening to check in. In the past this has been an issue. After the last few calls, I almost feel like telling him not to call. He sounds totally bored and put-upon for having to make the call.

When I related my sadness over his demeanor to my sister-in-law via email today, she made me feel much better. Typically, my son is very pleasant and ingratiatingly helpful to other adults. She mentioned in one email about the good impression he was leaving on the neighbors:

He was a big help last night over at our neighbors house -- where we went for dessert (K and G'ma made brownies and angel food cake yesterday). K played downstairs with neighbor-kid-G and cousin-M while the adults were on the porch eating our dessert and drinking wine to stay warm. Our neighbors love K -- saying he is the nicest kid......I heard your voice saying to me, "he is nice to everyone else...." and I had to smile.

However, here is snippet from an email she sent to me later today that comforted me (in a sort of sick and twisted way):

I had to keep on him yesterday to put his shoes near the door instead of in the living room where M (the 1 yr old) could lick them (ick!). He finally remembered (so I thought) towards the end of the day. When I said thank you for doing this, he said he just didn't want to hear me yell at him from across the room to put his shoes in the right he did it right without being told. He said there was really no incentive to do things right in the first place, but he wanted to avoid having to get up from playing his video game to go and do this....go figure!

Thanks, Sis, for reminding me to enjoy my teenage-free time!!!

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