Thursday, August 17, 2006

Food Oxymoron

I was in a store last night purchasing lottery tickets (or, as someone I
know likes to say "tax receipts for people who can't do math"). The
clerk and I were engaged in a friendly discussion regarding his age and
how he wouldn't know what to do with all the money if he actually
managed to win. While he gave a list of a few things that he likes to
do that he can no longer do, he did mention his motorcycle. Then, he
lamented that his daughter was worried for his safety on the thing so
she bought him a sidecar in hopes of making it more safe, less likely to
tip. (According to my husband, sidecars actually increase the
likelihood of tipping. Silly woman) Anyway, some other customers
joined the increasingly jovial conversation, as the man told a few more
stories about his daughter's efforts to try to "help" him.
The best one was that she was worried about the quality of he food
he ate so she made him a tofu meatloaf. This stopped me dead in my tracks as I was about to leave. And I said, "Isn't that an oxymoron? Tofu meatloaf?!?!
That's like saying 'jumbo shrimp'." Everyone enjoyed that, and I was
on my way with a smile and a brief story to blog about.

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