Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Blogger's Paranoia

Some of you may have noticed that I've stopped using my name in my blog handle. Also, I'm referring to people I know by initials. (I plan to go back and edit older posts to swap initials for names historically as well.)

I am doing this for two reasons. One: I do not want anyone from my new job to be able to easily link my blog persona to the real me. And two: I do not want anyone to be able to pick up identifying information about my friends, my family, or myself, that could lead to real-world trouble (identity theft, stalking, or the next horrible thing).

Most people who read this blog know who writes this drivel. Those who don't know me personally, I will gladly divulge personal information to over time, as we build a virtual relationship.

It's sad that we live in a world where we have to worry about this kind of nonsense.

One cool thing to note. I decided to search for my full real name, and then just my last name, using blog search engines and google. My full real name appears on a few web sites maintained by others (who don't post to this blog or link to it directly from my real name). Also, when I searched my real last name, I couldn't find a thing about myself or my immediate family easily since there were hundreds and hundreds of pages linked to a distant relative of my husband. This person has had way too many children, and everyone loves to talk about it. If you are curious, drop me a line and I'll send you the info. Doing so here would give away my last name, no? :)

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