Monday, July 31, 2006

To dream the impossible dream

Know, I'm refering to Richard Kiley in "The Man of La Mancha". Part of the Ultrametabolism plan involves getting eight hours of sleep a night. I would LOVE to get that much sleep. However, two things get in my way.

First, my chronic back pain often makes it difficult to get eight hours of restful sleep. I usually get up at least once during the night to change positions and, while I'm awake, I usually need to visit the bathroom.

The second thing is totally my own fault. I have a hard time dragging myself off to bed by 9 p.m. Since I get up at 5 a.m., that is when I need to go to bed to get the mythical eight hours of sleep. However, there's always just one more thing that I want to do before turning in. Tonight, I remembered that I needed to soak my foot in Epsom salts for twenty minutes (I have an infected hangnail). Then, I decided that I could take care of a few other little tasks at my desk while I soaked.

So, I'm going to be at least 30 minutes in the hole for the night, again.


Anonymous said...


Just surfed by to check out how you're doing. Congrats on the job! I don't think you're a prude, I think you're a paranoid* prude... just kidding. Cheers.

Your R from Chicago

(*if you google me, in addition to myself I am also apparently a NASCAR fan and a Christian gospel singer. Who knew?)

Kitten Herder said...

You croon gospel while driving at 150 mph? Good plan. Might get you into the pearly gates upon impact. :)