Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Gross but obsessing

Anyone who knows me understands that, by nature, I am an obsessive personality type. When a stressful situation arises I can't leave it alone. If there is a train wreck, I cannot look away. If a situation arises where rational human beings would let it go when friends encouraged them to "relax" or "forget about it", I would be completely and utterly unable to move on.

This evening I got a call from my GYN. Apparently my pap came back relatively normal. However, it showed some endometrial cells. Since I haven't menstruated in months, this is a medical unexpected finding. Therefore, they want me to go in for a hystosonogram. The GYN NP told me that this is usually nothing, but that they have to check. She did not give me this statistic, but my research shows that in only about 10% of these cases is something oncological going on. Of course, my rational brain says "no problem". Ten percent? Come on! No worries.

All right. I am obsessive by nature. Figure out where my brain is.

Oh, and did I mention that I have to wait until early November for the hystosonogram? Tee hee. Should be a fun couple of months, no?


Unknown said...

If you want to spend your brainicules obsessing about it than go right ahead. You're a multi-talented screenwriter, computer person, mother etc. -but if you want to squander your energies picking at a mental scab like that then feel free.

Me? I think that's an f'in waste of time. If they were worried you'd be in testing before November.

Sorry to be testy but it's been a tough week -Marsha started her Chemo yesterday (believe me -SHE has symptoms to worry about) and Father in law's next go is next Tuesday. So if you want to spend your energies being a drama queen then by all means go ahead but there must be a better use of your time./

briwei said...


No offense, but I'm not sure that thrashing someone who has just expressed an anxiety is the most supportive approach.

And as to the whole "if it was serious, they'd have you in sooner" bit, that is probably true. But doctors can be wrong. And THAT is where the anxiety comes in.

Sounds like you are having a rough go and I'm sorry about that. But please don't try to compare troubles with another person. It's not for you or me to decide what someone else is justified in worrying about.