Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Me, Obsess?

OK. Today is the day. I took off from work to get myself in the right mind-set and to make final preparations for THE interview. I will definitely post tomorrow on how I felt it went.

I have been exercising somewhat regularly. I have gone back to using exercise bike to as dedicated fiction-reading time. That is a pretty good motivator for me.

As of this morning I am down THIRTY POUNDS since the beginning of the year. I am very pleased with myself on that front. My short term goal is to drop another nine pounds in the next month (before our vacation). While this may seem pretty ambitious, I will feel so much better about being lax with my diet on vacation if I can hit that milestone first.

Since I have been stressing about my current job, THE interview, school, my weight, my finances, and the price of tea in China (not really but you get the idea), I decided to treat myself to an "unwind day" tomorrow. I'll be spending the morning at a day spa getting a body wrap and a facial. Really looking forward to that. Unfortunately, I'll need to lose a bit of ground on the serenity front in the afternoon meeting a deadline for some school work. Still. Spahhhhhhhh.

1 comment:

briwei said...

No. YESTERDAY was the day. I'm waiting. *tap tap tap* ;-)Hope it went well.