Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Not so bad, but the Tao is there.

So, the pound I gained when I checked my weight on Monday was gone this morning, and it took a friend with it. It's a good practice: go on a trip, take a friend along. I still plan on getting up early tomorrow for another stint on the exercise bike.

Last quarter, K brought home a MOST EXCELLENT report card. He earned A's in every subject. His school calls this 'high honors'. The accomplishment ended months of grounding for a plethora of infractions and poor decisions. Unfortunately, he came home with a problematic mid-quarter progress report yesterday. His old nemesis, "missing work", reared its ugly head. So, he is back in the dog house. We're all frustrated with this very familiar situation. So, B and I are trying to arrange a conference with one of the school counselors. Maybe they can offer up some new potential solutions to combat the "missing work" monster.

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