Sunday, December 21, 2008

Angst and trepidation

I have an appointment at 10 a.m. tomorrow to take in my iMac for a CD/DVD drive swap. I'm ticked that I have an issue like this with a (very expensive) computer that has only been in my house for a month. However, I really just want to get it fixed.

My appointment is at a mall 40 minutes from my house. We just got a foot of snow dumped on us. We're supposed to get another 8 or so inches dumped on us tomorrow afternoon. So, timing is everything.

Also, my iMac is a pretty cumbersome affair. I don't do well with heavy/bulky objects. I'm concerned that I may not be able to carry the machine into the mall. I hope to dig up a luggage cart that I used years ago, sometime before I go tomorrow.

I'm also quite attached to my iMac. I have it working (minus the CD/DVD drive) just the way I want. I already have much of my life tied up in this machine. I am crossing my fingers that none of my data or configuration settings gets jeopardized by tomorrow's adventure.

What a way to spend the better part of a weekend: worrying over a computer.

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