Friday, August 24, 2007

82 minutes

82 minutes is the exact amount of time that Nicole Richie spent in lock up for DUI.

I know that we shouldn't care about this. I know that the only reason for some people's 'celebrity' is their wealth or their parents or their flamboyance for grabbing headlines. However, what kind of message does this kind of nonsense send to young people? If you are famous and (nominally) beautiful, go ahead and screw up. You'll get a slap on the wrist and a brief glimpse at how the 'other half' lives.

Heck, there are days that I spend more time in traffic trying to get home from work!!!

Note: Apologies to the PPT Fairy. This just could not go by without some comment.


Summer said...

Are the judges star struck? I think the public would tend to think more of them if they came down on these celebs. Lohan is drunk, chases someone with her car, has drugs on her, her second offense and she gets one day for her escapades. Time to make these people step up and take responsibility for their actions, not blame their parents or the stress of their "fame". Someday they will kill someone in an accident and then the judges will have egg on their faces. BTW, thanks for your comment on my blog. You know I don't think kids realize how much their parents love them until they have their own child. Then they experience that heart wrenching love. I know that's how I came to understand my parents more.

briwei said...

You already know how I feel on this topic. I think both of them should have been put away for some real time. Crime may not pay, but celebrity clearly does.