Saturday, August 18, 2007

Which candidate should you vote for

Thanks to Aces Full of Links for this great site link.

You may have already made up your mind about which Presidential candidate you are going to vote for next year. Or, you may still be testing the waters (waiting to see who is going to drop out, even).

If you are part of the former crowd, I dare you to check out the opinion match on My Election Choices to see if you really are backing the right horse when it comes to your views on a few key issues.

If you haven't really decided yet, the site may help you figure out where you should place your support.

I ended up where I thought I would, but did learn of a second candidate that I should watch closely. He really doesn't have a chance. However, maybe he'd make a good running mate for my candidate.

Am I being squirrelly here? You bet. I don't want to get into a debate about who the 'best' candidate is. Mine definitely has feet of clay that I don't feel like defending. However, I am pretty confident that I am backing the right horse considering my views on some key issues. Plus, looks like my candidate has a reasonable shot at winning the party nomination.

I hope you'll visit the site and that you find the outcome interesting.

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