Friday, August 31, 2007

Has your family history changed?

Earlier this week I went in for an annual medical exam. My health care provider greeted me cheerfully and began looking through my medical file. She was going on about this and that when she asked me if my family history had changed. She then rattled off the fact that three of my grandparents had died from cardiovascular related causes and that my mother had suffered high blood pressure. I just smiled and nodded as she went on. I guess she realized what she had said, because she chuckled a bit and then rhetorically asked me if any of that had changed.

I shook my head with a smile on my face and a big ROTFL in my head. Nope. None of that had changed. They were all still dead of the same causes as last year.

In all fairness it was 8:30 a.m. on a Monday morning. So, I guess even health care professionals have mindless Mondays, huh?

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