Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Britney the Paparazzi Slayer?

Let's make something clear from the beginning. I think that celebrities like Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, and Nicole Richie, are less than useless. I don't care about their personal lives. Heck I wish they would stop sucking up valuable oxygen, in addition to getting out of my daily news feeds.

That said, I can completely sympathize with Britney's supposed attack and threat on a paparazzo. These photographers are invasive and pushy as all hell. Some argue that the attention these guys give to celebrities is the price of fame and perhaps even helps the celebrities maintain a place in the spotlight, thus garnering them additional opportunities for income.

Even so, the lengths the paparazzi go to is absurd. Their celebrity targets cannot show their faces in public without having these guys six inches from their faces. And, heaven forbid, should the celebrity have one of their children in tow. The children aren't given any space either.

So, as much as I abhor Ms Spears and her ilk, I would have thrown much more than a baby bottle at a photographer who got too close to my child.

1 comment:

Summer said...

And just think, now a new "celebraty" couple is being thrown at us. Mr. & Mrs. Beckham. Please go back to Europe and take TomKat with you. I enjoy your blog, like opinionated people.