Friday, October 05, 2007

Great hunter

Our condo association is in the process of painting the exterior of our building. Twice in the last two weeks we have had to remove all the outdoor furniture from our patio. The first time, we were surprised to find our little friend the frog (See Best weekend of the summer) hiding within the stack of plastic chairs that we brought in. Our younger cat, Caboose, alerted us to the frog's presence by batting at him, and not leaving the stack of chairs alone. Sadly, my camera battery was exhausted at the time. So, we merely captured the frog and put him back outside where he belonged.

This week, the battery was working just fine. The cat, however, was seemingly oblivious to the frog's presence. Notice the little frog off to the cat's left in the first picture. The second picture is a close-up of the little guy.

We captured him again, and returned him to the great outdoors.

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